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4671 Notre-Dame Ouest, Montreal, QC,
Canada, H4C 1S7
Corner of rue Notre-Dame West and rue de Courcelle
Landmark: Saint-Henry Library
Large Format Printing on Backlite Film
Please write an email asking for a quote
We accept all custom sizes for all medias
All the sizes of the prints are counted by inches.
Please send your photos via to:
24x16 $38
24x18 $38
24x20 $48
24x30 $48
24x36 $68
24x40 $68
24x48 $78
24x54 $88
24x60 $88
24x80 $98
24x90 $108
24x100 $128
24x120 $138
24x160 $188
24x180 $198
24x200 $228
36x20 $58
36x30 $78
36x36 $88
36x40 $98
36x50 $128
36x60 $138
36x70 $148
36x80 $158
36x90 $188
36x100 $198
36x120 $228
36x160 $288
36x180 $328
36x200 $358
44x20 $78
44x24 $88
44x30 $98
44x36 $128
44x40 $138
44x44 $148
44x50 $158
44x60 $168
44x70 $188
44x80 $198
44x100 $218
44x120 $248
44x160 $328
44x180 $348
44x200 $368
54x24 $88
54x36 $118
54x40 $138
54x50 $148
54x54 $168
54x60 $188
54x70 $198
54x80 $228
54x90 $248
54x100 $258
54x120 $298
54x160 $348
54x180 $388
54x200 $488
- Add 1/4" bleed along the top and the sides ;
- Avoid putting text too close to the edges.
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